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here's where we dump the garbage.

if you need to find a specific post just use ctrl+f im too lazy to implement a searchbar sowwy-w-

20 jun 24

date idea: we mod a wii together

13 jun 24

cat 1 hates cat 2. sad :(

11 jun 24

i miss physical media so much. the feeling of buying a new vidya cd :(

6 jun 24


3 jun 24

rn not only my mental health but also physical is a meme guys

29 may 24

i love my new puter mous

27 may 24

meow im about 46 sauce packets long

27 may 24

hi poopster im also one big poopster

27 may 24

do i have diabetes

26 may 24

big ass company respond to job application challenge (impossible)

21 may 24


21 may 24

i dont wanna find a job i wanna drink beer

20 may 24

god knew i'd be unstoppable without ibs

17 may 24

cheese is like the base of the human need pyramid idk how its called in eng

14 may 24

STRAWBERRY DREAMS :3 :3!! :3!!!!

14 may 24

does anyone actually use instagram or am i being gaslit

12 may 24

someone once told me i needed to face fear to get over it so i thought
well why not take it a step further and cut my fear into little pieces then
set my fear on fire then throw the hot ash of my fear into a lake
and then poison the lake. simple

10 may 24

life's too short to drink cheap beer

8 may 24

using linux started with me trying to be different than others, now
i'm so used to it that windows feels alien to me

8 may 24

you know what this webpage is a pretty accurate representation of my actual self,
outside i appear pretty gloomy and edgy (edgy as in trying to be dark and mysterious,
not as in making nword jokes) if someone actually follows this page closer -
you know me better than some folks who know me irl do congrats

8 may 24

sorry for not updating i eated without youtube

6 may 24

i cast....toothpaste & orange juice combo......

4 may 24


2 may 24

how to earn money when you cant have a job at the moment
(i will not draw furry porn)

2 may 24

flay anyone who enjoys spring or summer

2 may 24

do schools in other countries require you to know over 40 long ass boring books
(half of which are over 200 years old, most of them are about LOVING YOUR HOMELAND)
for high school final exams or is it just poland

30 apr 24

a 40cm pizza cant have 4000kcal...right..?

28 apr 24

damn i love feet

28 apr 24


24 apr 24

sorrgy accident

22 apr 24

god gives the cringiest past to his strongest warriors

22 apr 24

my chest hurts when i take deeper breaths since yesterday
(i dont even smoke or anything) i may be dying lol, lmao even!

20 apr 24

why is my body so fucking feminine XD i dont get it
at least it's only visible when i take off my clothes but still why??
i was born male and im not really trans or anything

19 apr 24

you know shits real when your phobia is so extremely specific that there's
no info about it on the internet

19 apr 24

the weird white mark on my monitor seems to start fading!!!!!!! cool!!!
i remember how pissed i was when i first noticed it like a year ago

19 apr 24

i am crying (kind of)

18 apr 24

if the dota patch does not arrive today i will cry

17 apr 24


15 apr 24

life's been easier since i cut off a toxic "friend"..
who cares that i have two maybe three friends left

15 apr 24

i wish i could just fall asleep forever..

14 apr 24

is it uncommon to love black coffee without sugar
while also being an energy drink lover

11 apr 24

i really wanted to make a cool popup that tells people the best specs for the page
(firefox 1920x1080 mobile is bad) but i dont want to make it the new mainpage and also
dont want to mess with js aaaaaaahrhhgd'f

9 apr 24

have to get used to spotify because youtube revanced broke (AGAIN)..

9 apr 24


9 apr 24

15 days of my education remaining(because fuck uni not going to uni.) flabbergasting

8 apr 24

do not press tab+spacebar on this website please i beg you

8 apr 24

if i didnt have a MASSIVE FUCKING BELLY..(jk its not THAT massive im not even overweight
(despite many sources causing an impression))

i would gladly wear a slutty crop-top (i am male btw) but for it to look actually decent i would have to
be really fit (both skinny and muscular simultaneously) and i am the laziest
mfer currently located on this planet so i guess that never happens lol

8 apr 24

my god its so HOT i am actually dying, anything above 20 celsius is too much for me to handle guys id rather have -20.
i know im the first to slander winter when its winter cause its tough to get out of bed when its dark at 8 am
(especially when your body likes to get up at 3 pm) but i miss winter so much...xoxo sweaty stinker..

5 apr 24

rockstar xdurance 500ml is gone, they only make it in 250ml cans from now on,
while the price stayed kinda the same, brb omw to kms rn

4 apr 24

rotting.........but i ate a kebab today so rotting happily i guess...
(gf stole half of it.............)

3 apr 24


1 apr 24

i am actually a normal member of society you know,
i do fit in very well & am free of any mental illness guys, trust me bro(s),
my presence is extremely advantageous for each and every community i am part of,
seriously, i promise

31 mar 24

i would GLADLY meet you pix.. unfortunately i am not real :(

30 mar 24

ever had the "high ping in your eyes"?

28 mar 24

got sick :c

27 mar 24

Train arrived 70 minutes late. Lol! Lmao, even! Laugh at this user!

27 mar 24

i love public toilets!!! i love having to choose between sitting in
someone's piss or risking pissing all over my legs!!!

26 mar 24

i cast shitty internet connection

26 mar 24

cut my hair today and had to redye it because regrowths were super visible
and i am SALTY because i didn't reach a spot near the back of my head
luckily i (now) have short hair so i only used up like 40% of the dye so i could correct that
otherwise i would probably kms (joke)

25 mar 24

why are most political elections like
who do you pick...the THIEVES...or the LIARS???
what do when there's zero good options :c

25 mar 24

hi connie-08 i am very glad that you like my website!!!! :D

24 mar 24

HEAR ME OUT there was a social media website in poland called nk
and it shut down 3 years ago because people just used facebook anyway
and it had a SHITLOAD of multiplayer flash games which i played the absolute hell out as a kid
but most of them are lost media now and i am very sad :(

21 mar 24

dam dadi doo dam dam didoodidam

20 mar 24


20 mar 24

wdym hatsune miku isnt real, are you stupid??!??!????

19 mar 24

i hate how the internet and technology in general is made with
dumb people in mind nowadays,tech illiteracy will kill us one day mark my words

19 mar 24

bit off half of my fingernail and it hurts ow
(reason: hungary)

18 mar 24

spent the whole yesterday making spritesheets that
turned out to be sized incorrectly : ) should have studied for my exams but fuck it
im so lucky lucky itll all be fine trust

16 mar 24

i have two wolves inside me. one is a femboy and the other one is a goth. or an emo?

15 mar 24

words cannot contain my hatred for bright, sunny days. give me back my gloom :(
(and the ability to not sneeze every 2 minutes)

14 mar 24

its absolutely crazy how bad experiences can influence your perception of people. for example
i often catch myself unconciously and unwittingly sounding like an ableist just because
i regularly have terrible experiences with a disabled may be me being autistic tho

14 mar 24

when patch..............

12 mar 24

anyone else has the proud music taste and also the guilty music taste

12 mar 24

had to stop eating my favorite food (cheese sandwiches) because they give me
digestive issues for some reason (im not even lactose intolerant (i think))
so i eat much less altogether :)

12 mar 24


11 mar 24

sushi time:3

11 mar 24


11 mar 24

head hurts waaaaaaa studying hurts i want to stay in my bed :(
trying to find a job hurts i would prefer to collect berries in a forest :(

10 mar 24

rus language sounds so good in music but if i hear it in MY video game again..

9 mar 24

house empty life good

7 mar 24


7 mar 24

people sometimes go through struggles you're simply not aware of..
for example me needing to pee rn but being so cozy in my blankets

7 mar 24

does anyone else have an entire music genre thats a "guilty pleasure" to them?
so much that you wont admit that you sometimes listen to such music?

6 mar 24

i am extremely not okay at the moment

6 mar 24

Fatal day to cooome....

5 mar 24

shrimp flavored instant noodles are the stuff

4 mar 24


4 mar 24

recently i realized that you can feel depressed without any sadness.
honestly i'd rather feel sad than empty, it feels so
satisfying to be sad for some reason.

3 mar 24

the masculine urge to randomly start speaking exclusively in latin

2 mar 24

wish i could play dota today but im afraid of being interrupted so id rather not :(
i love living with my family and totally dont want to moveout this year

2 mar 24

just ate a massive fucking pizza. tummy full. feel good.

1 mar 24


1 mar 24

lets spend all day making a poor drawing of us for gf
and listening to nightcore lets goooooo

29 feb 24

a little treat would have kept me going

29 feb 24

my god how do i find motivation? i'm trying to make a rpg maker game for
like a year already but if i had motivation i would have been where
i am today in two weeks lol

29 feb 24

mastering the art of sneakily snoozing
is the only thing i learned in class recently

28 feb 24

my first "post" here haiii :3 was trying to figure out on how to make
the site look acceptable, its not finished yet but usable kinda. i wish i slept instead tho